Saturday, September 26, 2009

In the Jailhouse (A Deleted Scene)

She didn't speak another word till Mr. Gaston opened the cell door about a half hour later. "Come on," he said. I saw it before Rosaleen did. Then, the adrenalin took over. I grabbed the heavy rod, and Rosaleen followed suit.  She grabbed one right next to where mine was. They were both rusty. Perfect. These people wouldn't hurt Rosaleen again. We both lunged at Mr. with 3 ft, rusty, metal rods in our hands. I hit him hard on his right arm, again and again. It started to bruise and bleed. Then, Rosaleen muttered "What could they possibly do to me? I'm a policeman." in a sarcastic, mocking tone. She abruptly smashed the pole over his eyebrow, the same one where she'd been struck. It immediately gushed blood, bright as a red lantern.  

Immediately, we both dropped the rods, and left Mr. Gaston, to flee. We were going to make it. We were in the clear, and that man was repaid for what he did. As soon as we got to the door though, the dealer who'd struck Rosaleen shouted at us. I couldn't hear what he said, but we turned around and there he was, snarling with a gun in hand. He pointed it right at Rosaleen and said "Move another step, and a bullet will go through that ni-"

"Don't you dare call her that name!" I shouted back. "You deserved what happened to you, and-" Then a hand grabbed my shoulder, turned me around and slapped me, hard. 

"You'd better shut the hell up, girl." I looked up, my face in pain, but I already knew who it was. It was T-Ray, and boy was he mad. "Get in the car, and prepare for some grits."

Monday, September 14, 2009

Chapter 2 is up!

Here it is, guys! I hope it turned out good! I still don't have a name, so if any of you who read the chapter think of a cool name for the book, tell me please! Link: Chapter 2

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Order of Operations

Cubed root of 81, - 6 + 3 x 4

2 power of 4 x 6 + 18 + 3 power of 4

5 x 7 x 3 + 4 = 125

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Yay! The Runic Alphabet!

Okay, so this is the alphabet used by the Dwarves in The Hobbit written by J.R.R. Tolkien. This is actually based off of the Anglo-Saxon Alphabet. The Anglo-Saxons were a group who attacked the Britons (the people who lived in pre-Medieval Britain). They were fought off by the real King Arthur (Although, he may not be who you think he was). I believe, but don't quote me on this, that they were actually a group of Romans, because the Romans originally had Britain, then the people known as the Britons came and took it, then the Anglo-Saxons (I think they were Romans) fought to get it back, but didn't until the Dark Ages came. Anyways, that is the Runic Alphabet, as written by J.R.R. Tolkien, one of the greatest writers ever.

Friday, September 4, 2009

I'm Writing a Book! Chapter 1 is up!

Yeah, so I'm writing a book, and I have a first chapter up. It's not very long, but I don't think that a book needs to be thick to be good. I don't have a title for it, so give me some ideas, guys!

Here's the link: LINK

My Favorite Fictional Hero

My favorite fictional hero is named Light Yagami, or in the original Japanese comic, Yagami Raito. He is the main character in the comic Death Note. He finds a notebook that, when he writes someones name in it, kill them. He has to know their name and have seen their face before. Raito is considered a villain by most because, even though he only kills criminals on death row, he's still murdering.

Raito is my favorite hero because I think like he does. I'm very dark, and I like to use words to my advantage instead of my fists. Also, Raito likes to keep his cool and stay under cover. He's smart enough to talk himself out of getting caught by the world's greatest detective. Also, his humor is very dry and dark, like mine. In short, I can relate to him.

In most stories, the main character is generally a role model. In this story, Raito is not what someone would call "A Role Model" considering that he kills people who he thinks are bad. He also tends to lie, and even lied to his dad so he could pass away in bliss. He's deceitful and tricks a girl with half truths into helping him.

About the Polls

I will have a new poll every week, portaining to various things, like the computer, sports, and...uh...Politics! Also, I realized that a lot more people have chosen the "other" option, so if you would kindly post a comment with which game you do play.

What is Math? What is Physics?

To me, math is art, art is math. Although it's not my favorite subject, it's still somewhat enjoyable. I'm good at math, I can get it down quickly. My favorite part of math, although some may say it's not actual math (I disagree of course!), is computer programming! I especially have taken a liking to C++. Also, a lot of people use math, including artists, programmers, business men and women, and even the people who made the computer that I'm using right now!


Physics seems like it'll be cool. It's always fun to see how the world works, and phsics will teach me about gravity, electricity and other stuff! I like Physics. Um....I'm not sure what else to say about Physics, because I don't know what to expect....Hm...COCONUT!

Now, then...if you ever want help with drawing, I can definitely do that, and I want to learn Japanese, so Ms. Mele, if you read this thing, than I ask for your assistance.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A few more things about me...

If sometimes, I refer in my writing to either Rilkan Skaye, or some wierd symbols, it's because of these things:

Rilkan Skaye - It's a character that I like to use when I don't feel like using personal information or if I'm writing some fantasy stuff...

Wierd Symbols that look kind of like letters but they aren't - Ah, this is an alphabet called Runic, or Ancient Norse. It's cool. I'll probably try to post it sometime.

Looks kinda like Japanese? - Well, it is. Specifically, it's Katakana. What Ms. Mele has is Kanji, it's more popular, but I like Katakana better. I don't know much, but I'm learning...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

30 Things You Didn't Know About Me

  1. I figure skate (Ice skating, with jumps and spins).

  2. I'm a boy scout of Troop 355.

  3. I'm allergic to cats.

  4. I'm also allergic to most dogs, birds and mold.

  5. All of my friends have cats....I hate my allergies.

  6. I have never shot a gun.

  7. I like to draw humans, and I've been drawing them for 4 years.

  8. I want to be a lawyer when I grow up and write/draw/design games in spare time.

  9. I cannot roll my tongue.

  10. I don't watch T.V.

  11. Instead, I play online games, Like RuneScape.

  12. I have a poodle named Sparky. He's 5 years old.

  13. Sometimes, I experiment with a computer filming software, called Hypercam.

  14. I'm not allowed to drive until I'm 18.

  15. My favorite color is dark red.

  16. I like fish...

  17. ...because they taste good.

  18. If I get a dream car, it'll be a red Audi TT Speedster.

  19. My favorite book of all times is the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

  20. I can do 3 different accents, and an impersonation of Gollum from Lord of the Rings.

  21. The accents are British, Indian (from India, not Native America) and Irish.

  22. I am Italian, English, Lithuanian, French, Italian and I think....Irish. Don't quote me on that.

  23. I have played piano since I was 5.

  24. Contrary to popular belief, I did not skip grades. I'm just a freakishly small 14-year-old!

  25. I have a dream of going to the Olympics for figure skating.

  26. I have somewhere around 100 trophies in the above-mentioned sport.

  27. I've visited England, France and Italy.

  28. In England, I was able to visit the 9 3/4 Platform at King's Cross Station (Yeah, it's really there =D)!

  29. I have a much older brother (28 years old) and he is a photographer.

  30. I have done lots of stage acting in the past.